WARNING: a very, very, VERY loooooong post!
First loot, a care package from Marise all the way from Netherlands! WOOT! Love the syrup waffles and the candies that tasted a lot like butterscotch (in the blue tin). The licorice drops (Venco) were chewy like gummy bears but the De Ruijter (pink and white pebbles) tasted more like the licorice flavor I'm familiar with. I do not dislike licorice but it wouldn't be my first pick to eat. I'll try the rest of the goodies later on this week. Lovelovelove the fabrics and the crocheted butterfly she made for me! Thanks you so much, Marise!
Next, Marie Claire Idees special issue that I was whining about it
here. Denise (from Italy) asked if I wanted to do a swap. I said 'heck yeah' the second she told me she'll trade this magazine for a couple of quilt mags. Loooove it! Thank, you, thank you, thank you! I sent her the current issues of Quilt Sampler and McCall's plus an extra mag. Unfortunately, she's still waiting for them. I hope she gets them soon. Hang in there, Denise!
And Cotton Time September 2008 issue all the way from Japan! Okay, so I didn't order this directly from Japan. I bought this from
Superbuzzy in Ventura, CA. The online shop that carries cute japanese fabrics, books and craft supplies. This issue is brimming with patchwork goodies! Check out the TP cozy! LOL!
I hope you enjoyed all the photos. Toodles!